Singem Mambo Gwendoline

Gwendoline Singem Mambo has over seven years of experience in the animal industry. Currently, Gwendoline is chief of service for meat, hides, and skins industries at the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries, and Animal Industries, where she is responsible for formulating and implementing regulations governing the meat, hides, and skins industries. Singem Mambo Gwendoline also monitors the execution of meat industry development projects in the public investment budget program and has been instrumental in introducing appropriate logistics for hygienic meat transport in urban and rural areas nationwide. Gwendoline holds a Master of Engineering in Agro-Food Processing from the National Advanced School of Agro-Industrial Sciences at the University of Ngaoundere in Cameroon. Gwendoline is motivated by the meat industry’s potential to boost the agriculture gross domestic product, improve the livelihoods of the rural population, curb youth unemployment, and accelerate economic growth. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Gwendoline plans to continue designing community projects that employ youth, advocate for positive change in the public sector, and build the capacity of government agents in making and implementing policies and regulations that encourage safe and affordable food production, consumer health protection, and environment protection in a balanced way.