Sisanda Henna

Sisanda Henna is an award-winning international actor, filmmaker and Licensed NLP Success Coach. The People Integrator & “super dad ” Sisanda Henna; is a renowned Facilitator with an incredible gift for connectedness. As a celebrated actor in South Africa; Sisanda Henna is a known television face that is enjoyed by a broad spectrum of crowds; from the rural village communities to the corporates and listed companies. His acting career exploded on South African screens in 2003, with a hit TV series Tsha Tsha. He won The Duku Duku Best actor in a drama award, 2004, and had started working in production 2003; as a runner, PA, co-ordinator, AD and then producer. He moved to Los Angeles to pursue work in Hollywood in 2007. He worked at the Pan African Film and arts festival, assisting the festival Director with a variety of things.He launched his professional directing career, directing a commercial for the Department Of Roads, South Africa in 2010. He’s trained as a story and script editor at Masters level through the South African National Film Video foundation (NFVF). Henna has also completed the International Financing program offered by the NFVF. Henna is also a gifted speaker, who is invited to speak at many events and gatherings, because of his celebrity status in South Africa.