Siya Xuza

In 2013, his ground breaking work on micro fuel cells was published in the Journal of Electroceramics. Xuza was awarded a 2010 Fellowship to the African Leadership Network, the premier, invitation-only community of the most dynamic and influential leaders in Africa. In 2011, he served as the youngest member of the African Union – affiliated Africa 2.0 Energy Advisory Panel and was recognised by the World Economic Forum as a Global Shaper. Xuza’s work has been recognised by the US First Lady Michelle Obama, the Nobel Foundation and the NASA affiliated Lincoln Laboratory which named a minor planet, “Siyaxuza (2312)”, in his honour for a first place at the 2007 Intel Science and Engineering Fair.
In 2017 he was awarded the Order of Mapungubwe, the highest honour bestowed upon a South African citizen, for his excellent contribution to scientific innovation at an early stage. Born in South Africa, Xuza holds a BSc in Engineering Sciences, from the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University