Stephane Yechi Okou

Stephane Yechi Okou has over four years of experience in the public sector, specifically focusing on investment promotion and private sector development. Currently, He works as Investment Officer for the Investment Promotion Center of Cote d’Ivoire (CEPICI). His main duties consist of advising domestic and international companies looking for investment opportunities in Cote d’Ivoire with a focus on public-private partnerships projects in various sectors including mines, energy, infrastructures, and agriculture. He holds an LLM in Public Law from the Universite Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Abidjan and a Masters in Political Science with major in Ethical Economics and Sustainable Development from the Research Center for Peace Actions (CERAP). Stephane Yechi Okou is now completing a Ph.D. in International Economic Law. Stephane is driven by his commitment to Youth Entrepreneurship and believes that a good understanding of government reforms and the domestic business environment can help young people develop their own projects. Upon completion of the Fellowship(Africa), He plans to continue working towards the improvement of investment protection laws in Cote d’Ivoire with the objective of providing a sound investment environment to foreign and domestic companies. He hopes to continue to help young entrepreneurs by creating an investment guide.