

Thabiso Makhubela

Thabiso Makhubela

Thabiso Makhubela is a South African tv presenter originally from Hammanskraal and has completed a postgraduate degree in Business Project Management at the University of Cape Town. A true entrepreneur at his core, Thabiso runs his own brand consultancy business in the heart of Jozi & is the chairman of the youth chapter at the Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa. 

In his spare time, Thabiso Makhubela enjoys an evening at the theatre or feeding his adventurous soul by skydiving or paragliding. “This is so exciting. I’m satisfied by the fact that I finally followed my heart and placed myself in a space that could see my presenting dream come true,” he shares. “Everyone in the Top 10 is talented so it’s nerve-wracking but I am looking forward to stepping outside of my comfort zone and allowing myself to stretch with every challenge on the show.”

Get to know Thabiso Makhubela better with this short Q&A: 

What has been the highlight of your time on Presenter Search on 3? 

The highlight of my time with Presenter Search on 3 has to be the two takeovers we did of the Expresso morning show and Top Billing. Those moments were so surreal because in those times, I actually lived out a dream. 

What has been the biggest lesson this experience has taught you?

The single biggest lesson this experience has taught me is to take a chance on myself. Many people often have dreams and interests they would like to pursue but hold themselves back. Each week, I saw myself take a chance. I wasn’t always in a comfortable space but I got in there and gave it the best I could.  

How would you describe your presenting style?

I love putting on show and that comes through in my presenting delivery. I am a passionate presenter but I am also subtly mature in my delivery. I have the ability to distil complex information and detail, make it my own and deliver it ways people can relate to. 

Your run your own brand consultancy, how will you be using your skills to grow your own brand now that you are heading into a TV career?

This is really exciting because I have put together many different brand strategies for brands and now I have a chance to use my experience to build my own brand. I will definitely be tapping into this skill. First, I will setting up all the basics – like a solid plan of the type of personality brand I want to become and working every day to make sure that I express this ambition in the best possible ways. I will be maximising on every platform I have at my disposal – like social media. 

What are you going to be bringing to the Expresso morning show? 

An upbeat, totally refreshing, never been experienced before type of energy. People are waking up in the morning and need that kickstart. I am it – the power bank for the people 😉  

Describe the moment you heard your name and were officially one of the winners of Presenter Search on 3.

The entire competition has been an emotional rollercoaster and at that point, I had experienced a mix of emotions that come with standing in front of the judges. I felt a different type of energy in that moment. It was so overwhelming. Fewer things make you so happy and satisfied that you don’t know how to react and that was me. I knew my time had arrived and this would change my life. I felt it all inside and had to contain it. 

Now that you have stepped into your role on Expresso, have the first few episodes been everything you thought it would be or have there been a few surprises for you?

The show is very busy. I never expected it to be this busy. The first few episodes have been overwhelming but I am working hard trying to define my style in the show and finding my flow. It is as fun as I have always expected but it is hard work. 

Do you have any pre-show rituals you do in order to prepare yourself before going live? If so, what are they?

Not really. I just make sure I go through and understand each episode’s content but I’m pretty sure I’ll be getting into a ritual as soon as I get used to this.  
