

Themba Michael Nkabinde

Themba Michael Nkabinde

Themba Michael Nkabinde was appointed to his current position in September 2011. He has completed a MBA and a post-graduate diploma in Practical and Advanced Project Management through the University of South Africa.

He formally served in the armed forces of Umkhonto weSizwe (MK) from 1977 when he left South Africa. His military training in MK included specialised courses in rural and urban warfare, and he was an instructor in the specialisation areas of sabotage and topography for artillery and engineering. Lieutenant-General Nkabinde attended officer training in the former Soviet Union and served as operations staff officer in Lusaka and deputy military attaché in Tanzania.

Themba Michael Nkabinde was subsequently appointed senior staff officer Africa under the Director Operations, followed by roles as deputy chief director: Joint Doctrine and as deputy chief director: Army Force Structure. From 2003 he served as the General Officer Commanding of the South African Army Infantry Formation.
