Theunis Eloff

Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee from October 2010. Chairman of the Social and Ethics Committee from November 2011. Member of the Human Resources, Remuneration and Nominations Committee from June 2014. Chairman of the board from June 2014.
Served as minister of religion of a congregation in Pretoria since 1983. Completed doctorate in theological ethics. Left the ministry in 1989 and joined the Consultative Business Movement (CBM). Headed the Administration of Codesa and deputy director of the Transitional Executive Council before the 1994 elections. Served as CEO of National Business Initiative from 1995. Became Vice-Chancellor of his alma mater in 2002, and headed the merged North West University from 2004. Completed his second term at the NWU in May 2014.
Chairman of Die Dagbreek Trust and deputy chairman of the FW de Klerk Foundation. Past President of the Afrikaanse Handelsinstituut (AHI).