

Thierry Alix Wendnoogma Guigma

Thierry Alix Wendnoogma Guigma

Thierry Alix Wendnoogma Guigma has been working in the health sector for more than five years and he is currently doing research on a vaccine against Ebola as an investigator in a clinical trial at Center Muraz Institute. Thierry is a founding member and a coordinator for the National Association against Malaria in the West Region of Burkina Faso, where he focuses on developing strategies for malaria prevention. He also volunteers in his community by providing free health assistance during national events to people in need. Thierry Alix Wendnoogma Guigma holds a doctorate in Medicine from the National Institute of Health Science of Bobo Dioulasso and a master’s degree in Public Health from Aix-Marseille University in France, where he focused on biostatistics and applied econometrics. After the completion of the Fellowship(Africa), Thierry plans to contribute to the strengthening of the health system in Burkina Faso by implementing a new approach to planning and resource management.
