

Thiofhi Muthikhitha

Dr Thiofhi Muthikhitha is an Agricultural Engineer (PhD) with having Masters in Agribusiness Management and Masters in Project management. He has attained a certificate in Management Consulting, Entrepreneurship and Biodynamics.

Over the years Dr. Muthikhitha has positioned himself in providing solutions in sustainable agriculture and business development. He has targeted rural communities through training and Mentorship. Under his leadership Agricre Pty Ltd has been a pillar of hope to Graduates by offering them Mentorship and push them to use their qualifications in starting their own companies, this is his way to contribute to fighting unemployment among graduates.

Dr Muthikhitha became the first black agricultural engineer in Limpopo back in 2009. He became a member of the International Professional Engineers, and a member of the South Africa institute for agricultural engineers.

In 2009, Dr Muthikhitha made history by becoming the first black agricultural engineer in Limpopo. This remarkable achievement not only showcased his exceptional skills and knowledge but also opened doors for aspiring engineers from underrepresented backgrounds. By breaking this racial barrier, he became a symbol of hope and inspiration for countless individuals, proving that with determination and perseverance, one can overcome any obstacle.

Recognising his expertise and dedication, Dr Muthikhitha became a member of the International Professional Engineers and the South Africa Institute for Agricultural Engineers. These prestigious memberships further solidify his reputation as a skilled professional, highlighting his commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

In 2020, Dr. Muthikhitha’s contributions were acknowledged on a continental scale when he was named among Agrominds Africa’s Top 30. This recognition not only attested to his exceptional abilities but also showcased his dedication to the agricultural sector’s growth and development in Africa. His innovative ideas and problem-solving skills have undoubtedly played a significant role in shaping the industry’s future.

Fast forward to 2023, and Dr. Muthikhitha’s company, Agricre, received high accolades under his leadership. The presidency recognized Agricre as one of the top three companies in trade and services, a testament to the company’s outstanding achievements and impact in the sector. Furthermore, the company’s excellence was reaffirmed

further solidifying Dr. Muthikhitha’s position as a successful entrepreneur and industry leader.
