

Thoko Nogabe

Thoko Nogabe

Thoko Nogabe is a passionate and dedicated art practitioner. As an artist who has performed around the world, her vision is to share her expertise with out of school youth, women & people with disabilities, children and art practitioners who want to pursue a career in the art and culture sector.

Thoko has performed and taught at a number of art festivals, including Zabalaza Festival in London, Sechaba Festival in Scotland, Black History Celebration Month in the USA and the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown.

Thoko Nogabe also taught traditional South African dance at the prestigious London Laban Centre and throughout Europe, Asia and USA. She also conducted dance/ singing workshop in different schools, colleges and universities around the USA as part of the Black History Month Celebration Initiative. Thoko is a board member of the Performing Arts Centre of the Free State (PACOFS) in South Africa.
