

Ulrichia Francelle Rabefitiavana

Ulrichia Francelle Rabefitiavana

Ulrichia Francelle Rabefitiavana has five years of experience serving as the Health compliance Coordinator of the Corporate Social Responsibility department at Ambatovy, a mining company in Africa based in Madagascar. Her responsibilities include initiating, developing, and supporting the implementation of an effective health program between the company and all stakeholders. Ulrichia Francelle Rabefitiavana has developed and coordinated an expansive HIV AIDS prevention program to more than 5,000 employees and youth in several communities, and supported Ambatovy’s social investment project in urban waste management. She believes strongly in corporate social responsibility and the role of the private sector in the socio-economic development of Madagascar. She holds a master’s degree in Management and is pursuing another master’s degree in Sustainable Development Engineering. Upon returning from the Washington Fellowship, she plans to promote social change by motivating and educating young people through social media and workshops focused on civic leadership.
