Valériane Ndiba Ndena

Valériane Ndiba Ndena graduated in Economy and Rural Development with a specialization in Project Management and Community Development from the Catholic University of the Congo. Until recently Valériane Ndiba Ndena worked several years as coordination officer for the technical and financial partners of Agriculture, Rural Development, and Food Security. First on behalf of the Belgium Embassy and later by the three Rome-Based Agencies (RBAs), namely the World Food Program (WFP), UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Valériane managed a permanent multi-stakeholder consultation platform where private-sector, civil society, bilateral, and multilateral donors work with government, to establish common priorities in terms of sector policies, strengthened accountability and harmonize, and align actions. Her work has been praised by DR Congo government and development partners, which earned her a new position with WFP as deputy DR Congo coordinator of the Purchase for Progress program: a WFP flagship program implemented in over 21 countries. Stayed in Africa.