

Valerie Abena Konyo Labi

Valerie Abena Konyo Labi

Valerie Labi has over 10 years of experience specializing in the delivery of business solutions and creation of sales propositions for several companies in both Africa & Europe including Vodafone Plc and Ernst & Young LLP. She currently serves as CEO of Clean Team Toilets, a social enterprise pioneering an affordable household sanitation solution for urban communities in developing countries. Valerie Abena Konyo Labi also works with the fair trade cooperative of Global Mamas, an organization that works with over 300 women owned businesses across Ghana. Valerie played a critical role in developing a website that enabled the cooperative of small businesses to sell their produce directly to international buyers online, allowing them to earn a living wage. Upon completion of the Washington Fellowship, Valerie is determined to continue to empower households and improve living conditions in Africa by driving the ‘democratization of toilets’ and the ‘commercialization of waste’ across the continent. She plans to replicate the Clean Team sanitation model into multiple developing countries, influence national sanitation agendas, and create channels for skilled African youth to access employment opportunities in the social enterprise sector.
