

Valerie Joyce Andeso Mutoka

Valerie Joyce Andeso Mutoka

Valerie Joyce Andeso Mutoka has over five years of experience in transitional justice, human rights, governance and project management. She is the co-founder of Chanzo, an organization that works to create and foster a reading culture among young people in Kenya. She previous worked with the National Cohesion and Integration Commission to help foster greater reconciliation in Kenya following the 2007/8 post poll violence. Valerie Joyce Andeso Mutoka has also been involved with the UWIANO platform for peace which is a conflict early warning and response platform established to track and respond to conflict in Kenya. Joyce holds a Bachelor of Arts from University College Roosevelt specializing in International Law. Upon completion of the Washington Fellowship, Joyce plans to scale up the work of Chanzo as a basis for community reconciliation through documenting and sharing the stories and experiences of young people.
