Vanessa Palm

Vanessa Palm’s singing has travelled an interesting road starting at an early age when her mother discovered that her 5 year old daughter had the ability to hold a harmony! As soon as she could join the school choir, she did so with gusto and was immediately spotted as a soloist, and spent the remainder of her schooling career being shuffled around the choir to fill whichever gap needed filling, as a tenor, an alto, a soprano and even a descant!
At the tender age of 10, Vanessa knew that her place would be on a stage, singing pop songs, and decided that she’d create her own concert, and her own audience. Marching into the principal’s office, she very matter-of-factly stated that she thought that it would be very good idea to allocate the entire school’s next Religious Education lesson to her concert instead, and that all she needed was for the pupils to be there, and she’d do the rest! And that was that!
Whether anybody actually enjoyed her rendition of Bruce Springsteen’s ‘Dancing in the Dark’ (complete with back-up dancers), is a question that will forever remain unanswered…. However, the little performer began sprouting her wings in the pop song style of music.
The year 2000 saw Vanessa leave the music industry as a regular performer, and in 2001 she had her daughter Abigail, in 2002 was married, and in 2004, her son Benjamin was born. Throughout this period, she sang as and when opportunities presented themselves: friend’s weddings and private parties.
A corporate function here and there….