

Veronica Affuah Da-Silva

Veronica Affuah Da-Silva

Veronica Affuah Da-Silva has over thirteen years’ experience in the telecom industry. She began her career at Ghana Telecom in 2002 as a customer access network engineer, and is currently the enterprise business solutions Manager at Vodafone, Ghana where she leads a team of engineers to develop and deploy end-to-end telecommunication solutions for corporate clients. Veronica plays an active role in the community and is a social entrepreneur with a passion for developing young leadership talent. As a founder of the e-Inclusion Initiative, Veronica aspires to bridge Ghana’s gender inequality gap in ICT Education. Veronica Affuah Da-Silva holds a Master’s degree in Engineering and Management from Coventry University, UK where she focused on the evolution of telecommunication in emerging markets and its impact on socio-economic development, specifically in Ghana. Veronica expects the Fellowship’s Business and Entrepreneurship track will enable her gain access to tools required to further build the e-Inclusion Initiative.
