Vincent ISTASSE joined BANK OF AFRICA – GHANA as its Deputy Managing Director in February 2014. In Djibouti, he held the position of Commercial Manager from June 2012 till he took up his new position in Ghana in March 2014. Vincent has worked as the Head of Risk and Internal Control divisions in BANK OF AFRICA – Djibouti, Credit Agricole Group in Madagascar and also at the Société Ivoirienne de Banque in La Cote d’Ivoire. He was also the one-time General Manager in charge of development of corporate and retail banking activities in Financial Bank, Chad. Vincent has also worked for Credit Lyonnais in countries such as France, Ivory Coast and Nigeria. Vincent ISTASSE holds a Masters in Corporate Economy from Reims University and also has a Post Graduate diploma in Corporate Diagnosis from Lyon III University, both of which are in France.