Waseem Carrim

Waseem Carrim, I attended the University of Pretoria and received my B.Com Honours degree in Accounting Sciences in 2009. Where I began my career as an academic article trainee lecturing Accounting. I then completed my article traineeship with KPMG and was admitted as a member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) in 2013. I also hold a Master’s degree in Taxation from the University of Pretoria.
Upon the completion of my articles, I joined KPMG’s department of Professional Practice, where I served as a specialist in public sector accounting and assurance matters.
Waseem Carrim, I held the portfolio of audit clients, which I managed within the public sector space, one of which was the NYDA. I led the turnaround of the finance and supply chain management divisions that culminated in two clean audits and a fundamental reduction in irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure.