Weza Matommane

Weza Matommane is a radio host on Cliffcentral and is profiled by Destiny Man Magazine in the “Power of 40” issue, as South Africa’s Top 40 most dynamic men under the age of 40. He’s praised by Up & Coming Current as part of South Africa’s Incredible Youth & Named Top 30 Most Inspirational Under
30 by Franchise Co. at the Tomorrows’ Leaders Convention. Weza Matommane is CEO of WTG Media House and with more than half a decade in the media and entertainment industry Weza is also a world class MC for corporate events – adding esteem, gravitas or even light hearted humour to the occasion. With his golden voice and fluency in English, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Zulu and Tswana, Weza is able to effortlessly leave everyone in the audience feeling dazzled, engaged and entertained!
Experience includes:
Brand Ambassador:
Dial Direct
-The International Belt and Road Media Summit Forum in China
-The International e-Watse Conference hosted by the South African Technology Network
-The Global Clean Tech Awards hosted by the Technology & Innovation Agency
– Launch of The South African Data Centre
Keynote Speaker:
-TEDx University of Pretoria Titled Social Genius
-CSIR Emerging Researches Symposium & CSIR Excellence Awards