

Wim De Lange

Wim De Lange

Wim started his career in geology in 1995 and moved up in the ranks as he was promoted from Field assistant to Geo Technician by Gold Fields Mining and Development. Based at Zwartkloof, he gained some base metal experience (14 months) and was exposed to other disciplines within geology. Whilst working, he obtained a bursary from Goldfields SA to complete his honours degree. He obtained his BSc Hon (Geology & Soil Science) at the University of Pretoria in 1997. He worked on various platinum exploration projects (Eastern & Western Bushveld) with a short stint as a shaft geologist at Modikwa. He also worked at Wits/Vaal gold mines (Leeudoorn, Randfontein Estates, Hartbeesfontein) with alternating contract work on platinum projects. His experience consists of an additional two years in gold and nearly 8 years in platinum.

During November 2005, Wim was appointed as Site Geologist/Manager for the Wesizwe, Ledig –Frischgewaagd platinum project. He was involved from the 1st borehole until the potential new flagship mine for Wesizwe Platinum near Sun City emerged – 168000 meters later. At one stage the exploration expanded to 14 rigs, with four geologists, two samplers and  14 geological assistants  reporting  to Wim. He was  responsible for signing off on sampling and drilling invoices totalling R117m. Later on his managerial functions increased, with less time being spent on geological related issues. The exploration phase came to an end during 2008 and Wim and other exploration staff members were retrenched during November 2010 due to a change of ownership of the company.

Wim did contract work as a senior geologist for ENRC from January to June 2011 on their fluorite exploration project near Zeerust. He gained valuable knowledge on the fluorite mineralization within the dolomites.

He joined Sable Platinum (now Sable Metals and Minerals) in July 2011, to start up a new base camp near De Wildt, Pretoria. He is currently acting Technical Manager of Sable Metals and Minerals.
