

Xukuri Xukuri

Xukuri Xukuri has over six years’ experience working with community-based organizations as a civic youth leader and youth activist. He is currently the secretary general of Botswana Khwedom Council Board, and interim secretary for the San Youth Network. His work focuses on lobbying and advocating issues of economic, social, and political empowerment of the San people in Botswana. He respects diversity and promotes human rights to ensure human suffering is minimized. Xukuri holds a Bachelor of honors degree in Business Studies from the University of Greenwich, UK and is currently pursuing a distance learning Bachelor’s degree of Business Administration at the University of Botswana. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, he plans to continue working with the San communities, the youth in particular, empowering them with leadership skills, motivating them, and promoting their rights with the goal of bringing positive change to Botswana.
