Yao Job Yao

Yao Job Yao currently works under the Ministry of Economy and Finances as Database and Digitization Manager. With nine years experiences in software, human resources, training, and public management, he also has a special interest in community development, especially in training community development workers in rural areas on problem solving, awareness about environment, cooperative management, personal development, and agricultural techniques. Yao Job Yao has over seven years of experience saving the community as volunteer with a Christian organization called Navigators. He holds a Master of Business Administration and a certificate in Community Development Leadership from Chonnam National University in South Korea. He also has a master’s in Computer Engineering, focusing in software development. Upon completion of Mandela Washington Fellowship, he plans to create Agricultural Technology Centers (ATC) throughout the country. This is a community-based integrated training center connected to the internet in rural areas that provides climate change information, agricultural technologies extension service, cooperative management, agriculture machinery rentals, agribusiness incubators, entrepreneurship, off-season farming, and poverty reduction. Stayed in Africa.