Yaovi Mensah Adika

Yaovi Mensah Adika is a humanitarian field worker from Niger, with over six years’ experience within the United Nations. As senior budget and programming associate at the World Food Program, he is working to end hunger and extreme poverty by 2030. Yaovi Mensah Adika has proven experience in relief and emergency operations, including in the recent West Africa ebola-virus disease response. He holds the vision that Africa can emerge and develop through its in-house resources for better prosperity. Outside his professional work, Mensah plays a key role as youth leader within his community, working to empower the future generation of leaders. Upon completion of the Fellowship, Mensah intends to invest more in other young Africans who are working to find solutions and best practices to tackle the cyclical food crises and hunger in the Sahel region. He also aims to become a valuable asset for both the United Nations and his community.