York Zucchi

York Zucchi, I am not a big fan of sharing my private life, but after seeing so many serious CVs on this platform which make it seem life is a perfectly planned and executed series of events I thought I’d share with all the young entrepreneurs and aspiring professionals that life has a way of sitting down for coffee with Mr Murphy on a regular basis.
York Zucchi, I hope you will enjoy the energy, chaos and complete lack of direction I had… I loved every minute of it. And that is the essence I wish to convey: live life to the fullest. Don’t worry too much about screwing up. Go out and try. Make a fool of yourself. Gain experiences and live adventures. If possible try to leave every place just a tad better than you found it. And as the old saying goes, be nice to people on your way up, they are the ones you will meet on your way down.
I’ll never forget a graffiti I saw outside Zurich train station… ‘It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice’.
Specialties: Laughing. Having fun. Seeing the glass half full. Meeting new people and trying new things. Screwing up and getting back on my feet. Changing the world one step at the time.
In my experience the most important thing in life is to find people you can trust and whose company you enjoy. My advice? Surround yourself with positive can-do optimistic and proactive people. People who motivate you and push you to reach new boundaries. Stayed in South Africa.