

Zi Hattingh

Zi has consulted with C-Suite executives across a diverse set of industry and business sectors. Over a period of 25 years, she has played a pivotal role in the creation and development of highly successful boutique entrepreneurial businesses focused on the development and actualisation of leadership and
talent benches. Zi has in excess of 12,000 hours of Transformational Executive Coaching. As such, she has been pivotal to the design, development and facilitation of Cycan’s revolutionary leadership change frameworks underpinned by cognitive psychology and the latest findings in neuroscience.
Zi’s business expertise extends over a period of in excess of 35 years and incorporates CEO, COO and other related executive director roles; as well as:
Project management of complex software applications development, Financial management, Intellectual property research and development, Merger and acquisition optimisation, Business structuring and negotiation and Executive and operational management.
