

Zolani Mkiva

Zolani Mkiva

Zolani Mkiva holds a BA is Social Science from the University of Western Cape (UWC), an Honours in Developmental Studies also from UWC and Finance Managers from UCT Graduate School of Business in South Africa.

He is also an African renowned producer and director of artistic works that resonate with music, poetry and film. Mkiva has produced more than 20 music albums, including international singles for a myriad of countries, namely, Cuba, Cote D’Ivoire, Libya, Venezuela, Swaziland, Colombia, etc.

As an organic intellectual, Zolani Mkiva has also authored and published books and papers. In 2008 he was appointed as a Government Advisor on Traditional Affairs, working directly with the National Minister responsible for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. During his tenure as Government Advisor he managed to turn around a number of areas in the traditional affairs landscape. He was very instrumental in the establishment of the new national department of Traditional Affairs, formulating its strategic plan and structure.
